Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Fabulous Father by Judith Barber

Our father is an admirable man-- highly educated and accomplished. He pastored a church for twenty-nine years and now travels the world with our Mom teaching and counseling. All four sisters have had to come to terms with the high standard he set for us as a father and as husband to our Mom. Every birthday, our favorite gift was the "Date Dollar" he gave us, redeemable for a dinner out with him... a rare treat to have "Mr. In-demand" all to ourselves. That dollar was priceless. But for all his wonderful qualities, the one that rises to the top is his kindness.

When our parents are home, their house immediately transforms into a {free} bed and breakfast for people from every corner of the globe who just want to "breathe their air." This past weekend, seven bridesmaids were in town for a wedding of close friends of mine, and "the hotel" was offered as shelter. It was nothing out of the ordinary to have multiple strangers in the house. But this time, Mom had to be out of town, and Dad was left as solo host. He was assured that the girls would be very busy with parties and events surrounding the wedding and to just leave a key.

Sunday, after everyone cleared out, I went to survey the damage and strip beds. In each bedroom I found a basket, lined with a cloth napkin and containing the remains of candy, nuts and fruit. Assuming Mom had prepared this for the girls before she left town (after ironing the sheets), I told her on the phone I found that beautiful evidence of hospitality... along with a note by each basket that read, "Welcome to our home, ladies!" She laughed and simply responded, "Oh really? Dad must have done all of that!"

So this Father's Day, I am publicly announcing that the E-Mealz sisters are so blessed to have the man known to all as "Mickey Daddy" as our Dad. Happy Father's Day, Dad! We love you!

Your girls

Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial for a Hero

This Memorial Day has a new meaning. We just left a funeral service for my son’s friend, a fine 22 year old Marine, who was killed in Afghanistan on April 28, 2010. For one so young and so well loved, it was somehow comforting to see the huge crowd of mourners, the many other Marines in their “dress blues” and the throngs of freedom riders forming a patriotic parade. The sounds of a full military funeral, complete with a twenty-one gun salute, a fly-over of WWII planes and the rip-your-heart-out emotional rendition of “Taps,” play over and over in my mind.

I cannot wrap my head around the loss his parents feel, even though I imagine that is the cost you have to count. So my new understanding of what it means when I hear news of the “numbers” lost on the battlefield is this: a young son of very proud and constantly worried parents has just been lost, everyone in his universe has made a huge sacrifice for the good of many who may not ever know or care, and a true hero has been laid to rest.

Memorial Day will never be the same for us. For our E-Mealz members and visitors who have counted this cost and understand this all too well, we salute you and stand with you with pride and appreciation.

In honor of Marine Lance Corporal Thomas Rivers, Jr.
Psalm 91:1 “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”